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Meditation Services

Mindful Steps to Inner Peace



Welcome to MeadowLark Meditation. I’m Shelley Frederickson, and I’m passionate about sharing the transformative power of meditation and mindfulness. With an emphasis on the healing power of nature, my guided meditation classes and outdoor experiences are designed to help reduce stress, find stillness, and cultivate more peace and joy in daily life. I offer a diverse range of meditation services tailored to fit the unique needs of individuals, groups and organizations. 

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What is MeadowLark?

Based in Ely Minnesota, MeadowLark Meditation provides a supportive and welcoming environment for people of all experience levels to learn and practice meditation. Shelley Frederickson founded MeadowLark Meditation with the goal of making meditation accessible to everyone and helping people experience its many benefits. She draws on the natural beauty of the surrounding Boundary Waters  to help people find inspiration, calm, and balance. She is a certified Meditation Instructor and Kripalu Outdoor Guide, a homegrown Minnesotan, and an Ely resident of 15 years.

Discover the serenity within, inspired by the world around you

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